As Earth Day approaches, Toronto Greens are planning to host a celebration and teach-in, with guest speakers, musicians and fun kids activities.
The Green Party of Canada theme is Climate: All Hands on deck! We will focus on two aspects of global and local action to avoid the worst outcomes of the climate crisis through rapid and aggressive reductions of greenhouse gas emissions as well as adaption and resilience in the face of increased extreme weather events. There will be pledges to sign to shrink our carbon footprint. I hope you can join us.
What: Earth Day April 22, 2023 1 – 4 pm
Where: Friend House 60 Lowther Ave, just east of St George and north of Bloor.
Who: Greens, Green friendly persons and families
Also, if you can volunteer or bring some treats to share, please let us know, thank you and we am looking forward to seeing you there.