Help elect Greens in University-Rosedale.

Volunteers across University-Rosedale are working hard to send more Greens to Queen's Park and Parliament. Help us prepare for upcoming elections.

Join the team today

Do you live in the University-Rosedale District?

University-Rosedale is the district for much of central Toronto. It spans from the Don Valley Parkway to Ossington Ave. going east to west, and from Moore Ave. to Dundas St. W going north to south.

If you live in this region you're a part of the University-Rosedale district. This means that policy decisions made for this region will impact you directly.

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The University-Rosedale Greens

We are the University-Rosedale Greens, the Green Party's Electoral District Association (EDA) for the University-Rosedale district.

Like the rest of the Green Party, we believe in the basic premise that all life on the planet is interconnected and that we humans have a responsibility to protect and preserve the natural world. We support green economics, progressive social planning and responsible and accountable governance.

We Greens are the current governing body University-Rosedale, and are represented by city councillor and and respected environmental lawyer, Dianne Saxe.

Greens in the News

Help build a more sustainable world by donating to the Green Party.

Our party and local efforts are funded by grassroots supporters like you who chip in what they can, when they can.

Every donation is massively appreciated and helps keep our operations running.

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Become a Volunteer

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The Principles Behind Our Policies

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Maintaining biodiversity through the responsible use of renewable and non-renewable resources.

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Striving for cultural peace and co-operation between states, inside societies, and between individauls.

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Social Justice

Equitably distributing social and natural resources to meet basic human needs unconditionally.

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Respect for Diversity

Valuing the earth's biological and ecological diversity as well as the cultural, sexual and religious diversity of its people.

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Ecological Wisdom

Acknowledging that human beings are part of the natural world and respecting the value of all forms of life, including non-human species.

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Participatory Democracy

Striving for a democracy where all citizens can express their views, and are involved in the making of decisions that affect their lives.

Current Projects

See what the University-Rosedale Greens are up to. From local policies to grassroots community efforts, we're working to bring on a greener tomorrow.

Join our Upcoming Events

More Events
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Tuesday, Feb 20th at 6:30PM

U/R Greens Annual General Meeting '24

Jonathan Pedneault and Elizabeth May, co-leaders of the Green Party of Canada, will be sharing their thoughts on Where do the federal Greens go from here?

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Friends House, 60 Lowther Avenue, Toronto, ON



U/R Greens Annual General Meeting '24

Jonathan Pedneault and Elizabeth May, co-leaders of the Green Party of Canada, will be sharing their thoughts on Where do the federal Greens go from here?



Earth Day Celebration

Join us for a celebration and teach-in, with guest speakers, musicians and fun activities for kids.



Green Party Saint Paddy's Day Event

Join us for a Saint Paddy‘s Day pub social with fellow Toronto Greens.

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with U/R Greens

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